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Application Instructions

General Decal Application
Gas Pump, Soda Machine, General

This is the best way to apply these decals-

1) Make sure the surface is a smooth, flat and has a gloss finish.

2) Clean the surface with a good cleaner like alcohol. Do not use paint thinner because it is an patrolium base that leaves a film. Decals will not stick!

3) Tape the decal on the surface and get it aligned how you want it to be applied.

4) Run a strip of tape along the bottom half on the decal and half on the surface. This will be used as a hinge.

5) Using the hinge, flip the decal upside down exposing the backing paper

6) Peel the backing paper off the back of the decal exposing the stickey side of the decal.

7) Using a spray bottle filled with water, spray the stickey side of the decal and the surface it will be applied to very generously.

    -You can use one small drop of dish soap in the spray bottle full of water to make it apply easier. This will take longer before it sticks to the surface.

8) Take the bottom corners of the decal and lift the decal into place.

9) Take a squeegee or a credit card will also work, and start in the middle towards the hinged side and squeegee up the middle followed by fanning out in each direction. Pushing the air and water out.

10) Let sit for about 15 min and then very cautiously peel the top transfer cover off the decal. Some times tearing it into small strips works best if the decal is wanting to peel up with the top covering.

  If you have any bubbles under the finished product there is a way to fix this...

Take a needle and on the edge of the bubble poke a small hole and using your finger push across the bubble working water and air towards the hole.

Motorcycle Stripes Decal Application

   Thanks for purchasing decals from Killer Decals. Our specialty is to provide you with reproduced decals that are no longer available or hard to find. Though we can't have the ability to reproduce every type of decal out there, we can reproduce most. If you are restoring or refinishing a collectible, boat, auto, toys, or anything else under the sun and run across a decal that you can't find, shoot us an e-mail with a photo of what it should look like and size and we will tell you if we can make it or not. You can always reach us at

      We have put a question and answer sheet together to help answer any questions you might have. Hopefully this will assist in providing a more enjoyable experience in installing the decals you just received. The questions answered are questions we received from our customers but if you have any that are not on this list feel free to e-mail us at and within 24hrs you should have your answer.

    We have been providing you with a reproduction anniversary stripe for your Harley Davidson since 2008 and have had great feedback from the many customers that have used our stripes on their bikes. These are some of the questions we received from those customers.


   -What are the stripes made of?

  Our stripes are made of a high quality self adhesive vinyl decal material. Then we use a solvent ink to print directly on the vinyl.

   -How do I apply these stripes?

  Make sure that the surface is very clean and have been wiped down with a cleaner such as alcohol or lacquer thinner. Do not use mineral spirits! These stripes should be applied dry with no application fluid since they will be clear coated and the moisture could be trapped under the vinyl after you clear coat them.

   On the straight stripes you should start at one end and peel back the paper backing and get the stripe stuck where you want the stripe to start. After it is stuck, continue peeling the paper back and gently pulling the stripe tight, lay the stripe down in the position you want it. Hold the stripe with one hand and use that hand to guide the stripe into position. Use your finger on the other hand to press the stripe into place. Coordinate your hands to work together to make a swooping motion to make a nice smooth contour. If the stripe wants to buckle up you can use a small amount of heat from a hair dryer to help form the stripe into place. The heat will shrink the vinyl.

     -If your stripe is cut in a horse shoe shape, start in the middle of the stripe by tearing the paper backing and work both ways. This will help keep the stripe straight and consistent.

You can gently pull it up and reapply it if its not in the exact place you prefer. Once in the correct position, slide your finger down the stripe making sure it is stuck. If you have ever pin striped, apply these in the same manner. If you have never done anything like this before then we suggest you seek someone that has applied decals or pin stripe before such as a sign shop or auto body shop.

   -I ordered a replacement stripe for my bike and the one on my bike has a contour but the one you sent is straight. Is this the wrong stripe?

  The stripe that replaces your stripe we cut straight. It will contour when you go to apply it. The vinyl is stretchy and the 5/8 stripe will contour around a circle about the size of a pop can. The tank stripes will contour the same as originals. The sharp bends used on stripes such as some of the fender and the full fairing are cut into the stripe. The two piece fairing stripe and all gentle contours will start out straight.

  We have done many tests over the years and we found that if we cut the contour in the stripe then it makes it harder to apply. A contoured stripe tends to roll when you pull on the stripe while applying it. With a straight stripe you have a lot more control on how you want the contour to look.

  -How durable are these stripes?

   These stripes are ink on vinyl. The decals are made of outdoor grade materials, but to be durable the ink needs to be laminated. Under normal decals we achieve this by using a clear vinyl over the top but since they are going on your bike we do not laminate them in this manner. The two layers of vinyl create problems once you clear coat over them. Thats why you must clear coat them. This creates the same protection. Be careful with them while they are not protected because the ink will scratch. Do not use any solvent cleaners on the stripe because solvents such as thinners will take the ink right off the decals. Only use water based cleaners.

What kind of clear coat do I use?

   We suggest that customers use an automotive grade clear but have never suggested a brand. We have never had any negative feedback on any clears that people use. The clear we use at our facility is Nason and Dupont.

You should always start out by a couple very light coats over the stripes before putting on your heavy coats. This helps seal the edges and prevents the clear from attacking the edges of the vinyl.

The colors of your decals are not exactly the same as the originals.      -Why is this?

  The stripes you just received are made by and not by Harley. The only way to get the exact same stripe is from Harley but since they don't sell them this is the only option. The colors are very close but not exact. That is why we never recommend over lapping ours with originals or placing them side by side to finish out the original. Replace the whole stripe and it is very difficult to tell a difference from original. People that were concerned of the difference replied that they were very pleased with the outcome of the finished product.

  The stripes, originals and reproductions, will change color with the lighting. This makes it very difficult to tell they are not original once they are clear coated. You can see what I am explaining by taking them outside and looking at them in the sun light.

How do I contact you?

  I am here to answer any question you have and when you send us an e-mail it is directed straight to my phone and when I get a chance I will e-mail you back. This is usually within an hour but may take up to 12 hrs. If there is a problem that you must talk to me then e-mail me your number and I will call you back. Emailing me the question is the fastest way to get a response.

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